In July 2022 Ed joined a team from Kuandaa International comprised of four pastors and a videographer.

Kuandaa equips and empowers pastors, and trains them on evangelism. Their program focuses on a three year intensive training teaching the essentials of Biblical study and a comprehensive overview of what it takes to pastor a church.

Ed’s emphasis as a prophetic man was to teach on the Holy Spirit, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the accompanying gifts. We saw Holy Spirit manifesting Himself in healing, deliverance and mighty displays of power during the two weeks of training and impartation.

This coupling of the training in the Bible with the practical working of the supernatural manifestation of Holy Spirit served to show that God loves to reveal Himself confirming the Word with signs and wonders.

Ed was able to return to Uganda in July of 2023 with Kuandaa again. We trained pastors in three cities, dedicated the newly purchased ministry center, baptized 51 people in Lake Victoria and saw many healed and delivered from demonic oppression.

In June and July of 2024, Ed spent 3 weeks in Mozambique then followed with 2 weeks in Uganda.
This constituted a continuous flow of uninterrupted anointing and blessing to the pastors and churches. In Uganda, Holy Spirit brought insights by the angelic and prophetic words everywhere.  Several pastors on the U.S. team, brought deliverance, healing, and deeper teachings at each conference sight. Of note, one woman healed in 2023 now has a church in her home, and a large group of pastors from a northern island requested a team to come soon to minister in their area!

The source of the Nile River in Uganda