In 2015, after the death of the national pastor of the Mountain of Praise Churches in November 2014, Ed was invited to be a part of a team to go to Malawi. The goal was to hold a brief conference at Bangla, Malawi; and to ultimately select the next national pastor. Convening the 40 churches in Malawi, Ed was privileged to meet and then select Obed Ghente (through a divine revelation), as the next national pastor over Malawi.
Obed and Ed continue in a great father-son relationship, conversing regularly over the telephone and internet. He continues to be a great man of God and a man of honor. The churches in Malawi are doing well in training and baptizing the converts. Due to growth, Obed’s fellowship had to move into larger facilities in Lilongwe, and it is continuing to grow rapidly.
Ed is continuing to train Pastors in Malawi, Kuait, South Africa via What’s App.